Source:, Bartenders Guide
Unfortunately, there is no single units of measures in use world wide. This measurement conversion table was made to help you determine measurements in different units.
Using definite measures in recipes make them more difficult to create by someone who uses different measures, therefore a good bartender should always use relative measures in their recipes.
If proportional units are used, the drink creator can rest assured that where ever the drink is mixed, it tastes the same, and that should be the ultimate goal for everyone who creates mixed drinks.
Using definite measures in recipes make them more difficult to create by someone who uses different measures, therefore a good bartender should always use relative measures in their recipes.
If proportional units are used, the drink creator can rest assured that where ever the drink is mixed, it tastes the same, and that should be the ultimate goal for everyone who creates mixed drinks.
Read more: BARTENDER GUIDE: Liquid measurement conversion.
Dry Measures Typical
Granulated sugar 7.1 oz or 201 g
Honey & Syrup 12 oz or 340 g
Dry Measures Typical
Granulated sugar 7.1 oz or 201 g
Honey & Syrup 12 oz or 340 g