Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conversation with a bier meister.

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Conversation with a bier meister. 

The following conversation took place in early November 2012 – a conversation with a bier meister and sometime hop grower.
Herr Robert: I have a problem with the batch that I made and told you about recently …do you recall the 30 bottles of beer I am making?
Constantine: Yes, what’s happening?
Herr Robert: I am not quite certain but my research so far seems to indicate either a combination of insufficient sugar or the amount of yeast.
Constantine: So what happens? How do you know it’s ruined?
Herr Robert; Well it’s not necessarily ruined, it just goes  <<pht!>>, when I uncap the bottle.
Constantine: Have you considered getting in touch with someone at AmBev (Ambev* formally Companhia de Bebidas das Américas (official English translation: "Americas' Beverage Company"). *“Wikipedia”
Herr Robert; Well that might be a little overkill; and their scope of magnitude is greater than 30 bottles.
Constantine: So what now? Do you start over? How does the beer taste?
Herr Robert: I don’t have to start over. I have been doing some research and it appears I may be able to add some additional yeast and or some sugar. But I don’t think it’s the sugar. So my approach is to add more yeast.
The taste is of course flat, somewhat bitter, yet sweet.
Constantine: {thinking to myself, “I don’t understand what he is saying … how can it be described as bitter and then, yet he says sweet?}

I pondered our conversation.

Autumn Bonfire
A Rosie Schaap Jack Rose cocktail alternative
1 oz. apple ciders or juice
1 oz applejack
1 oz smoky Scottish Whiskey
1 scant teaspoon maple syrup
2 dashes bitters Black Mission Fig or Angostura
Stir in ice, pour cocktail glass and garnish with apple fan (slices)

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